There are many options for scholarships, bursaries, and awards available for you through universities and colleges in Manitoba. Whether you are an undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral student, or looking to start an exciting career in the trades, there are numerous scholarships and bursaries opportunities available to help you achieve your goals. We have provided links to the resources you need to apply and start your journey towards achieving your goals today!
Booth University College
Scholarships & Awards to help finance international study for undergraduate students at Booth University College.
Brandon University
Scholarships, awards, and bursaries available for students to pursue undergraduate and graduate studies at Brandon University.
Canadian Mennonite University
Scholarships, bursaries, and awards accessible to Canadian Mennonite University Students for undergraduate and graduate studies.
Providence University College and Theological Seminary
Scholarships & bursaries available through the school's financial aid office for students to pursue studies at Providence University College.
University College of the North
Awards, bursaries, and scholarships to cover costs associated with attendance for undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate studies at University College of the North.
Université de Saint-Boniface
Scholarships for residents of Manitoba to pursue postsecondary studies at Université de Saint-Boniface, with an application form provided.
University of Manitoba
Bursaries and financial aid available to students enrolled in undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate studies at the University of Manitoba.
University of Winnipeg
Awards and financial aid to cover tuition and other costs for students to pursue studiesat The University of Winnipeg.
Assiniboine Community College
Financial aid and entrance awards available for international students pursuing non-degree programs at Assiniboine Community College.
École Technique et Professionnelle
Entrance scholarships to cover tuition costs for students studying technical trades at École Technique et Professionnelle.
International College of Manitoba
Entrance scholarships to help finance post-secondary studies at International College of Manitoba.
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology
Financial aid and awards to support attendance at Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology.
Red River College Polytechnic (RRC Polytech)
Awards, bursaries, and scholarships to support undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate studies at Red River College Polytech.
Louis Riel Institute (LRI)
The Louis Riel Institute (LRI) administers several scholarships and bursaries through the MMF Endowment Fund established through partnerships with the University of Brandon, College Universitaire de Saint Boniface, University College of the North, University of Manitoba and the University of Winnipeg.
Apprenticeship Manitoba
The Manitoba Government is committed to increasing apprenticeship opportunities for Manitobans and to promote a highly skilled and dedicated workforce.
Access to Apprenticeship Bursary
To assist in the costs associated with technical training, living costs, travel costs, and other commitments, Apprenticeship Manitoba awards the Access to Apprenticeship Bursary to current apprentices with demonstrated financial need.
Tim McLean Memorial Bursary
The Tim McLean Memorial Bursary is awarded to current Aboriginal apprentices with demonstrated financial need. This bursary was established in memory of Tim McLean, an aspiring Manitoban Aboriginal apprentice interested in becoming a motor vehicle mechanic.
Government of Canada - Indigenous Bursaries Search Tool
University of Winnipeg - Indigenous Bursaries Search Tool
The University of Winnipeg's Awards and Financial Aid Office administers over 20 different bursaries and graduate fellowships designed specifically for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students. x204-586-8474 ext. 2731
x 204-586-8474 ext. 2731
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